Contract of Reconciliation


You’ve had enough of your spouse’s antics. The word “Separation” or “Divorce” have been said in hurtful ways and now you are really considering one or both.

Before you step out of your home you both need an execution plan to be working on yourself as well as you marriage.

If not, the likelihood of both of you working together diminishes considerable.

The Contract of Reconciliation is for when you feel you need to separate to gain clarity in your marriage with the goal of being together again.

This isn't, "we’re separating to never get back together", but a time of distance to get back together.

This execution plan will give you the questions you need to ask of yourself and your spouse before moving forward. Go through each question and answer truthfully, discuss them with your spouse and when completed initial each page.

Also receive an audio bonus...

Listen in as Tony & Alisa discuss how-to take the Contract of Reconciliation and use it in your marriage.

This digital download will be sent to your email immediately so you can get started today.

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