Bring Back the Spark: 5 Ways to Rekindle Your Sexual Intimacy


ONLY read if you want a deeper level of sexual intimacy in your marriage

Each and every day we are honored and humbled by the many couples who share their marriage stories with us. What is hard to read are the stories where sex has taken a back seat to your other priorities.

We know that you didn't mean for your sexual intimacy to diminish, that you never expected that sex would be a problem in your marriage. We totally can relate because we've been there ourselves in our 25 years of marriage.

You long for a deeper level of sexual intimacy. Intimate moments where both of you are fully engaged on each other and not listening to the chatter in your head.

Bring Back the Spark will help you rekindle the sexual intimacy in your marriage and create a lifestyle that encourages more and better sex. In this downloadable digital program, you'll learn the exact action steps you can take starting today to improve the sexual intimacy in your marriage.

Here's what you'll learn in Bring Back the Spark: 5 Ways to Rekindle Your Sexual Intimacy

  • Learn how-to Enjoy the WOW in your marriage for a deeper sexual connection.
  • How-to Set Aside Time to talk about your sexual desires.
  • Learn how-to Place Guardrails around your marriage.
  • Adjust Your Mindset  to express your sexual desires to each other.
  • Make it a point to Remember Your Why for continuous expression.
  • How-to create a loving environment where both of you will Keep Trying New Things.

Use these proven ways and you will build a solid foundation for your marriage that will last many years to come. 

When You Purchase Today, You'll Receive:

  • Full Length 2-hour recording of Bring Back the Spark: 5 Ways to Rekindle Your Sexual Intimacy in both Video and Audio digital download 
  • Downloadable slides in PDF format so that you can follow along
  • Access to each individual session in both Video and Audio digital download (7 sessions)
    • Introduction
    • Set Aside Time to Talk
    • Place Guardrails Around Your Marriage
    • Adjust Your Mindset
    • Remember Your Why
    • Keep Trying New Things
    • Q&A

You'll gain insights with practical ACTION items you can start to use right away in your marriage to Rekindle the Sexual Intimacy with your spouse.

Everything you need to rekindle your sexual intimacy is available to you right now. Grab Bring Back the Spark: 5 Ways to Rekindle Your Sexual Intimacy today!

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